I have found it helpful to have a girlfriend who supports me in my growth as a christian, wife, mother, homekeeper and woman. My friend and I can discuss what we feel are our failures, compare notes on how to do things and ask for advice when we are struggling. There have been times when we have even compared notes on a homeschool curriculum or toys.
A girlfriend of this nature should in no way be a replacement for talking about these things with your husband. She and I encourage each other to pray and seek our husbands advice. Many times we have been praying and have already consulted our husbands, but our husbands thought another familie's advice should be sought on the matter. After talking to her I will continue to pray and return to my husband with the information I learned from her.
I have not always had a friend of this nature, but am so glad that I do now. If you don't have a girlfriend of this nature and think it would benefit you too I can offer you some advice. Pray that God will show you a friend already in your circle or send a new friend into your life that you could share this type of help with. A good candidate for a friend like this is one who is growing in the Lord herself and has similar beliefs in how to be a help meet, and mother. Most of all one who will challenge you to be better in all areas of your life.