Hoping I Can Keep This Blog Going This Time


I'm Hoping To Keep My Blog Going

     I've been away for a long time.  I've felt like I should start it up again, so I'm back.  Maybe I can help someone else in writing this blog, if not I at least know that  I wrote what was on my heart and mind.
     I have had to have a major spinal surgery.  I'm having to learn to walk and live with new restrictions on my body due to this surgery.  My family has been very helpful, especially my husband.  I watch him as he helps get me back in bed and my heart goes out to him.  He took time off to take care of me and for this I'm so thankful.
     Why you may ask, would one spouse be so committed to helping the other?  For us the reason is how we view our marriage; we made a commitment of for better or for worse on our wedding day;  we don't take these vows lightly.  Both of us feel that after serving God, our spouses are our next priority and then our children.  If you read my blog often you will see this type of life in action.
     I will leave you now until my next post.  Thank you to all who read my blog.  My hope is to share my love for God and family with you on this blog.

1 comment:

CatMT said...

very well put, dear sister.